Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Stop Motion Photography

This is a series of pictures of Tim Wood doing a "James Bond" type of walk and shoot. This was done outside in front of a fence with no sunlight. I was shooting on 1/1000 second shutter speed, f4.2 for f-stop, and a 1600 ISO. I edited the pictures so that there was blood falling from the top of the screen just like the opening of the James Bond movies.

Falling Action Shot

On a very cloudy day, I was hanging out at school before rehearsal started and I had my camera on me. I decided to do an falling action shot by having my friend Chris, jump from his car onto the ground. I shot from a very low to the ground so that I could get an angle from below Chris. This picture was inspired by Aaron Siskind and his falling pictures. I whited out the background and changed the image from color to black and white. I was shooting on 1/400 seconds and f18 for the f-stop.

Water Action Shots

This weekend was raining very hard, so Mr. Hermano decided to have us take pictures of water falling. I walked outside my house to patio where a clear overhang was covering me from the rain. I took a picture of this water droplet dropping from the overhang. I was shooting with an 800 ISO, 1/1000 second shutter speed, and f9 f-stop. It took a while to be able to capture a good droplet falling from the overhang, but I found that shooting on continuous to be very helpful.

Sports Photography

Motion photography was our topic for this chapter. I went down to Oakland for a girls volleyball tournament that my friend was playing in. I was shooting with a 1600 ISO, 1/320 seconds for my shutter speed, and f4.5 for my f-stop. People can see that the volleyball falls on a Rule of Thirds line.