Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Interior Photo

For my interior photo, I decided to take a picture of an award I got this year that was sitting on my desk. I thought it provided some cool lines in the picture. Through photoshop, I emphasized the star by blurring the background. I took this picture with an 800 ISO, f/4, and 1/4 sec. shutter speed.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chapel Photo

This is a picture taken at Mercy's chapel in the morning. The light was very low causing the shutter speed to be very slow. I shot on 800 ISO, f3.8, and 1/8s exposure. I like this picture because it showed the depth of the chapel as well as the lines in this picture.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Panoramic Photo

This is a panoramic picture of the pool at mercy. The picture is made up of 6 or 7 picture spliced together with Adobe Photoshop CS2. This was done in the morning by shooting on continuous and panning across the scene.I like this picture because it shows a lot of the scenery and the blue from the pool contrasts the rest of the picture.

Photo Essay #3

Part three of my photo essay.
In this picture, I really tried to capture this kid feeling alone and depressed. He is sitting out in the bleachers looking at the kids who are playing out on the field. I like this picture because of the lines from the field leading people to Joey and Joey falling on the rule of third line.

Here is sort of the same picture as earlier, just a wider angle shot. I blurred the background a tad bit to really emphasize Joey longing to hang out with other people.

Photo Esasy #2

This is part two of my photo essay.
Again, I tried putting my subject on a rule of thirds line and tried to emphasize the use of proportion in my pictures.
Here is a picture of another one of my models, Joey sitting alone on bleachers at school. This picture showcases lines, proportion, and my subject falling on the rule of thirds line. I really wanted to capture the essense of being alone with no one around.

Photo Essay #1

These following pictures are all part of my photo essay about teenage lonliness and depression. This is my first picture done at a park in the afternoon with overcast. I liked this picture because the proportion of my friend, James, to the rest of the picture is cool and how he sits on the rule of third line.

This is my second picture in my photo essay. I took this picture trying to capture more of the lonely side of this kids story.